[EDQM] Human immunoglobulin for anticomplementary activity BRP

등록일2024. 07. 30
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[EDQM] Human immunoglobulin for anticomplementary activity BRP

[EDQM] Products

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[EDQM] Human immunoglobulin for anticomplementary activity BRP

Scientific Information:

Human immunoglobulin for anticomplementary activity BRP is intended for use as the reference preparation for the test for anticomplementary activity of immunoglobulin (2.6.17) as prescribed in the monograph Human normal immunoglobulin for intravenous administration (918). Each vial contains 10 g of freeze-dried highly purified immunoglobulin G.

Product Detailed:

Catalogue Code Y0001994
Name Human immunoglobulin for anticomplementary activity BRP
Current batch number 3
Unit quantity per vial 10g
Number of vials per sales unit 1
Storage conditions Store the original container at +5°C ± 3°C. Do not store at lower temperatures. Do not freeze. Once opened the vials should be used as soon as possible or as stated in section 2.2.
Dispatching conditions Ice +5°C
Availability Available
Safety Biological preparation for laboratory use only. Handle in accordance with good occupational hygiene,
safety and laboratory practices and take precautions to avoid exposure. 
Shipping Shipment under Ice +5°C (products kept refrigerated) for no controlled and no dangerous goods

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